Make an Appointment: (779) 707-3717 |   [email protected]

  • Megan Weir, LSW

    The Personal:  

    Favorite Drink?

    Coffee from Starbucks or a Coke  


    What’s your favorite holiday?

    Christmas. I love decorating the tree with the kids and taking them to see different lights. I also love watching Christmas movies with the kids.  


    What do your weekends look like?

    My weekends are spent doing different activities with the kids or attending their activities.  During the summer we spend a lot of time in the pool.  


    The Professional: 

    Megan (she, her, hers) is a Licensed Social Worker. She went to school for social work because she loves to help others. She strives to help others become the best version of themselves. She is a therapist who creates a calm, relaxing and affirming setting where the client can come and be their true selves without judgment.  
    Megan received her bachelor’s in psychology with a minor in social work in 2007 from Lewis University. She received her master’s in social work with a concentration in children and families from UIC Jane Addams College of Social Work in 2009.