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    Individual Therapy

    Individual therapy is the bulk of our theraputic service offerings. In the one-on-one setting you can explore your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors with a skilled therapist. At Uniquely You Behavioral Health, we specialize in neurodivergent affirming therapy, recognizing the distinct experiences and challenges faced by neurodivergent individuals and their loved ones. Our approach is personalized, focusing on your strengths and preferences to create a therapy experience that is as unique as you are.

    Why Choose Individual Therapy?

    • Personalized Support: Our therapists tailor their methods to align with your unique needs, ensuring that therapy resonates with your personal experiences and goals.
    • Safe and Affirming Space: We provide a compassionate environment where all aspects of neurodivergence are not only accepted but celebrated. 
    • Empowerment: Through individual therapy, we aim to empower you with the tools and understanding to navigate life’s challenges.
    • Flexibility: Our therapy sessions are designed to accommodate your preferences and comfort, including options for in-person or online sessions.

    Our Neurodivergent Affirming Approach:

    At Uniquely You Behavioral Health, our individual therapy sessions are grounded in a neurodivergent affirming approach. This means we recognize the unique ways in which neurodivergent individuals perceive, interact with, and contribute to the world. Our therapists are trained to understand the nuances of neurodiversity, ensuring that therapy is not about “fixing” you or your loved one but about supporting you in living your best life, honoring your neurodivergent identity. When working with loved ones we focus on learning how to meet your loved one where they are at. We assist you in understanding the way they engage and relate with the world. 

    What to Expect in Individual Therapy:

    • Session #1 – Initial Assessment: A comprehensive evaluation to understand your needs, strengths, and therapy goals. This is typically one 60 minute session but can be broken down into 2 or more sessions if we are unable to finish in just one session.
    • Sessions 2 – 6+ – Continued Assessment, Rapport Building & Collaborative Goal Setting: During these next few weeks you and your therapist will focus on building rapport and getting to know each other. Research suggests that rapport is the biggest determining factor in theraputic outcomes. We do not rush this phase! During this time you will also work together with your therapist, to define what success looks like for you.
    • Customized Strategies: Whether it’s coping mechanisms, communication skills, or self-advocacy, we’ll explore strategies that work for you.
    • Ongoing Support: Regular sessions to reflect on progress, adjust goals, and address new challenges.