Make an Appointment: (779) 707-3717 |   [email protected]

  • Costs

    Uniquely You Behavioral Health keeps a card on file for all attendees. 

    Parent group session offers child-care during parent attendance. $50 per group. 

    Boys Group $30 per session. 

    Sibling Group $15 per group. 

    Why Choose Group Therapy?

    • Shared Understanding: Discover a community that gets it. Our group sessions are a place where neurodivergent individuals can share their experiences without fear of judgment.
    • Diverse Perspectives: Learn from the experiences and insights of others, offering you new ways to understand your journey and strategies for coping and thriving.
    • Strength in Numbers: There’s immense power in knowing you’re not alone. Group therapy fosters a sense of belonging and collective strength.
    • Skill Building: Together, we explore practical strategies for communication, social interaction, and coping mechanisms, tailored to the neurodivergent experience.

    Our Neurodivergent Affirming Approach

    Uniquely You Behavioral Health’s group therapy sessions are grounded in a neurodivergent affirming framework. This means our groups are designed to honor and celebrate the unique ways neurodivergent individuals experience the world. Our therapists facilitate sessions that recognize the strengths and challenges of each member, ensuring a respectful and enriching experience for all. We believe in creating a space where every member feels seen, heard, and valued for their unique contributions.

    Group Therapy

    What to expect:

    • Welcoming Environment: Join a supportive and accepting group, led by therapists who specialize in neurodivergence.
    • Structured Sessions: Each session is thoughtfully designed to explore themes relevant to the neurodivergent experience, from navigating social dynamics to enhancing self-esteem.
    • Interactive Activities: Engage in discussions, role-playing, and other activities that foster self-awareness and personal growth.
    • Confidential Support: Share and listen within a confidential setting, creating a trusted network of support and camaraderie.